Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Newark New Clients
Newark Shoot 6
Originally uploaded by Arclight Images
Publicity photos for a great Newark, NJ company.
Lighting- SB900 in an Apollo softbox camera left....SB28 behind and camera right for rim light.
Top Gear
Top Photo Gear on Amazon
Monday, November 8, 2010
Fall Portraits 1
Fall Portraits 1
Originally uploaded by Arclight Images
I always look forward to one particular school that I shoot portraits because they prefer to have them outside instead of the standard plain background.
-SB-600 in a shoot-thru umbrella camera right and close to the subject for wrap around lighting,
-SB-26 in a silver umbrella camera left.
-Both flashes have a 1/4 CTO gel on them to warm up the strobes so they match the sunny daylight.
-White balance is set to 'sunny' and I dialed in -2 to add a little blue.
-Shot in manual mode with the ISO at 200.
-Aperture at 5.6 so the background is blurry but the depth of field can't be too narrow since kids fidget.
-Shutter set to 1/200 to make the background 1-stop darker than the subject so they pop out.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Lamb in Tangine
Lamb in Tangine 1
Originally uploaded by Arclight Images
Hung out with friends on Saturday, always bring my camera and some lights, so I decided to shoot his dinner. He just bought a Mediterranean pot called a Tangine and made Lamb stew with quinoa, ground cherries and dried fruits in it. It tasted as good as it looks.
Lighting - SB900 in a Westcott Apollo softbox high and behind the food. I forgot my reflector, so I opened a white shoot-thru umbrella in the front for fill.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Boris On My Roof
Boris On My Roof
Originally uploaded by Arclight Images
Great model Boris (Model Mayhem #1283633)
Lighting- SB900 in an Apollo softbox camera right high on a c-stand.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
WC Boris
WC Boris
Originally uploaded by Arclight Images
Great model - Boris (Model Mayhem #1283633)
Lighting- SB900 with a DIY grid as the key light on-axis and 2 feet above the subject pointed at the face. SB600 in an Orbitz Ringflash for fill. Two Dynalites in gridded stripboxes behind the subject and 8ft to the left and right. Large pieces of black cardboard held up by lightstands and clasps on either side of the subject to flag lens flare and block the side lighting on the face.
Retouched in Lightroom and Wet Chrome preset added.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
At B&H Photo, Employees Say Not Everything Is Picture Perfect
Monday, August 23, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Broken Social Scene - Forced To Love
(Nine Inch Nails meets Foo Fighters)
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Bang Bang Bang
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Aperture-Sun Logo
Aperture-Sun Logo
Originally uploaded by Arclight Images
I was looking for a photography/aperture t-shirt at Cafepress and didn't see anything I really liked...so, I designed this !!
The lens...the sun...the two elements needed for photography. Let me know what you think and you can buy stuff with it here
(*sigh*..plugs make me feel dirty)
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Heli-Yeah !!
Love the song too !! Anyone know who it is?
Monday, July 19, 2010
Softlighter & My Assistant
Softlighter & My Assistant
Originally uploaded by Arclight Images
Practicing with my favorite subject on a Sunday morning.
Lighting - Dynalite head in a 60" Photek Softlighter II directly overhead with a white reflector at an angle on the ground directly in front of Evan to fill in the raccoon eyes effect. Botero 023 as the background. I was going for something similar to the cover of the July issue of Rangefinder magazine, a great low-key portrait of Jeff Bridges by Jerry Avenaim. I didn't even come close, I have to use a smaller light source than the Softlighter and move the background back so it goes black. He didn't use a reflector for fill either, but my son looked pretty scary without it.
Rangefinder link : www.rangefindermag.com/
Thursday, July 15, 2010
OBX - Dragonfly
OBX -4
Originally uploaded by Arclight Images
The Outer Banks has a ton of dragonflies, this one posed longer for a picture than my son ever would.
Monday, July 12, 2010
OBX Beach Shoot
OBX Beach Shoot
Originally uploaded by Arclight Images
Family portrait session with my 24-70 2.8
D300 handheld...SB900 in Lumiquest III handheld from high above on axis.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
OK..OK...I Get It
OK..OK...I Get It
Originally uploaded by Arclight Images
For years I've thought "how can there really be THAT big a difference between my 18-200 and Nikon's 24-70mm 2.8.......um, wow!!
This shot may not show off the amazing sharpness, but the color rendition and bokeh is insane. Plus it focuses at the speed of light....I get it now.
Strobist - SB900 in Lumiquest III held camera left.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Instead, they fought over who had the bigger hotel room. I’m sure this had more to do with editing out the technical, and leaving in the only drama the show’s producer’s could find. That's the basis of any reality show and in order to watch any of these shows, you have to accept that premise.
They can’t really discuss lens choices, f-stops, and modifiers without your average viewer changing the channel...I’d be bored if Hell’s Kitchen showed someone stirring a roux for an hour too.
I’ll keep watching though, just for the quick glimpse of a beauty dish, location idea, and, who am I kidding, Indrani’s not that bad to look at either.
By the way, I though her ‘aztec shot’ was better than Markus’.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Side By Side #14
Side By Side #14
Originally uploaded by Arclight Images
14th in a series of side-by-side images and diagrams using the Strobox iPhone app.
Lighting - Dynalite in a stripbox camera left and behind...Dynalite in a large softbox (with black paper covering 2/3rds of it to make a stripbox) camera right and behind....SB600 in a westcott shoot thru umbrella above and slightly left....silver reflector for fill camera right....SB900 with CTO gel set to 1/16 behind my head and pointed at Botero 023 grey collapsible background.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Self Portrait 5-26
Self Portrait 5-26
Originally uploaded by Arclight Images
After a no-show model (If I had a dollar every time that happen, this would have been shot with a D3) I decided it was self-portrait time !!
Lighting - Dynalite in a stripbox camera left and behind...Dynalite in a large softbox (with black paper covering 2/3rds of it to make a stripbox) camera right and behind....SB600 in a westcott shoot thru umbrella above and slightly left....silver reflector for fill camera right....SB900 with CTO gel set to 1/16 behind my head and pointed at Botero 023 grey collapsible background.
Retouching in Lightroom (nothing weirder than staring at your own face magnified 10x)
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Funny and a great idea !!
Andrew McDonald has a strategy just for you that will increase the chance of getting your camera back. He took the following series of images and leaves them on his camera so that anyone who finds it and scrolls through his pictures will see them.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Catch !!
Catch !!
Originally uploaded by Arclight Images
Beer & Portraits 2
Hanging out with some friends...a few beers...a few strobes and a camera.
Strobist - SB900 with a shoot-thru umbrella camera right. SB600 with red gel pointed at Botero backdrop behind subjects head.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Band of Horses - Laredo
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Flickr Photo Download: Lighting Modifiers Cheat Sheet
Flickr Photo Download: Lighting Modifiers Cheat Sheet

Thursday, May 6, 2010
Side By Side #13
13th in a series of side-by-side images and diagrams using the Strobox iPhone app.
model portfolio shots for Lyubov (model mayhem #354228), she was very professional and a lot of fun to work with. Location - Skylands Manor in Ringwood, NJ Lighting - My flashes were acting up, so I broke out the silver reflector and had our VAL (voice-activated lightstand) hold it at the top of the stairs to direct the sun down at model for a hairlight, seperation from the back, and to light the edge of each stair. He was a big help, I need to bring an assistant more often. I used my SB600 and Orbitz ringflash for fill on axis. Retouching in Lightroom....man, I love Lr
Side By Side #12
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Side By Side #11
Monday, May 3, 2010
Side By Side #10
10th in a series of side-by-side images and diagrams using the Strobox iPhone app.
Robert from Fox's 'Hell's Kitchen' for a Chef Revival Ad
Strobist - SB900 with shoot-thru umbrella camera left...SB600 low camera right for veggies...and SB28 behind him camera right. Started by trying to get a good exposure on the steam and then added the lights.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Side By Side #9
9th in a series of side-by-side images and diagrams using the Strobox iPhone app.
Product shots for great sequence onesies at convertibledesigns.com
strobist- SB900 in a softbox camera left...white foam board for bounce on right...silver paper from underneath and silver reflector above...retouched in Lightroom...masking and color background in Photoshop.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Side By Side #8
8th in a series of side-by-side images and diagrams using the Strobox iPhone app.
Nikon D300 with 50mm 1.8 lens set to 1/200 at F2. SB900 with Lumiquest III small softbox behind and above subject. I pointed it more towards the camera to get the falloff in the background. I also use a boom cymbal stand with a swivel holder as a poor man's c-stand with an SB600 and Orbits Ringflash on axis for fill. Finally, a little tinfoil on the table in front for more fill and umph (technical term).
Friday, April 30, 2010
Side By Side #7
7th in a series of side-by-side images and diagrams using the Strobox iPhone app.
Headshots for a make-up artist. I was practicing a look from Scott Kelby's Light It, Shoot It, Retouch It Part 2 at Kelby Training.
Large soft box behind model and tilted slightly towards the ceiling. SB900 in a DIY beauty dish above and on axis. white reflector below face, held by model. Retouched in Lightroom and Photoshop.
Great NJ model - Ms. Priyanka (Model Mayhem #712652) MsPriyanka@live.com
Great MUA - TaraLynne
Mayhem #1398079
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Side By Side #6
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Side By Side #5
Monday, April 26, 2010
Side By Side #4
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Side by Side #3
3rd in a series of side-by-side images and diagrams using the Strobox iPhone app.
Cake photos for a great pastry chef Jen at
Sweet Elements Studio
62 Franklin St
East Orange, NJ
Strobist info - SB900 with shoot-thru umbrella left and behind cake same on right with SB600. SB26 with Orbitz ringlight for fill in front.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Side By Side #2
2nd in a series of side-by-side images and diagrams using the Strobox iPhone app.
I worked with Sarah Jensen (Mayhem #1021568) again, she's a lot of fun.
Strobist - SB900 in Large softbox camera right and behind Sarah...SB600 with DIY Beautydish high and camera left...gold reflector on the floor in front of camera.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Side By Side #1
1st in a series of side-by-side images and diagrams using the Strobox iPhone app.
Photographer's are obviously visual people and, for me, no explanation of lighting technique can come close to a diagram and an image. David Hobby said in his Strobist DVD to practice one technique and than add it to your toolbox. This seemed like a good idea to see what tools I've been using so I can focus (no pun intended) on new ones.
Strobist info - SB600 with shoot-thru umbrella camera left....SB28 with CTO gel camera-right and behind model....2 Dynalites on background.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Photo Book Round Up
I'm glad I've used Adorama and I have to check out inkubook.com.
Photo Book Round Up
Monday, April 5, 2010
Originally uploaded by Arclight Images
SB900 in large softbox behind model and angled up towards ceiling to prevent lens flair. Dynalite in Photek Softlighter II camera left....a little overkill, but hey, it was set up. Great light set-up from Kelby Traing.
Model portfolio shots for Lyubov (model mayhem #354228)
Friday, April 2, 2010
Originally uploaded by Arclight Images
model portfolio shots for Lyubov (model mayhem #354228), she was very professional and a lot of fun to work with. Location - Skylands Manor in Ringwood, NJ
Lighting- Sun at her back right...SB900 in a Westcott Softbox with a 1/2 CTO gel camera left...white balance set to florescent to add blue to the background. Retouched in Lightroom.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Lyubov 1
Lyubov 1
model portfolio shots for Lyubov (model mayhem #354228), she was very professional and a lot of fun to work with.
Lighting - My flashes were acting up, so I broke out the silver reflector and had our VAL (voice-activated lightstand) hold it at the top of the stairs to direct the sun down at model for a hairlight, seperation from the back, and to light the edge of each stair. He was a big help, I need to bring an assistant more often. I used my SB600 and Orbitz ringflash for fill on axis. Retouching in Lightroom.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Beer & Portraits
Beer & Portraits-6
Originally uploaded by Arclight Images
Hanging at a friend's on a Saturday night...camera comes out....Beer & Portraits.
SB900 with Lumiquest III camera right and just out of frame. Nothing easier than setting a flash to TTL and putting it just out of frame, It creates just as soft a light as a softbox five feet away and you can hold it in your other hand! Sepia post in Lr.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Originally uploaded by Arclight Images
Warm weather in NJ this weekend so I shot this on my porch. Needed a new icon for all these damn social media sites!!
Strobist- SB900 with Westcott 28" Apollo Softbox camera left but almost on axis...sun behind. Post in Lightroom.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Pop-Down Flash
Pop-Down Flash
Originally uploaded by Arclight Images
We all know that pop-up flash sucks, but it was all I had at the time and this fence just looked awful so I used it. Since I only wanted the bottom half to get the flash and knew I could flip it in post, I turned my camera upside down so the fence would get more of the flash. It made a big difference..it's still a crappy shot, but at least I learned something.
Left half shows the pop-up flash and the right half shows the pop-down flash.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Daylight Fading
Snow Shot
Originally uploaded by Arclight Images
My son Evan out in front of our house in Ringwood, NJ. He's giving me the typical 'today Dad!' look. If my wife was taking it he'd have a smile from ear to ear.
Strobist - Nikon D300 with 50mm 1.8 lens set to 'daylight' color balance to heighten the blue background and I was holding my SB900 at arms length camera left with a full CTO gel to compensate for the 'daylight' and warm him up (figuratively, I brought him inside right after this to literally warm him up)
I've wanted to try this technique for a while.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Three, Two, Onesies
Onesies -1
Originally uploaded by Arclight Images
Product shots for great sequence onesies at convertibledesigns.com
strobist- SB900 in a softbox camera left...white foam board for bounce on right...silver paper from underneath and silver reflector above...retouched in Lightroom...masking and color background in Photoshop.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Parsippany Stand In
12-22 MUA-2
Originally uploaded by Arclight Images
I was set to shoot some TFP work for an MUA in Parsippany NJ and one of the models canceled. The MUA's boyfriend's little sister stepped in and did a great job.
Strobist - SB600 with DIY Beauty dish above camera...white reflector on floor on left side...SB900 with grid behind and camera right....retouched in Lr.
Great MUA - TaraLynne
Mayhem #1398079
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Let Them Shoot Cake
Originally uploaded by Arclight Images
Long Island Food Show
Strobist - Camera in right hand....SB600 with Lumiquest 3 small softbox in left hand. I tried to get behind the food with the strobe.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Does Scott Kelby Sleep?
Besides the photoshop tutorials that Scott is known for, Kelby Training has days worth of video on everything from off-camera flash to contract negotiation.
D-Town is free, available as a podcast, and focused primarily on the camera and gear and less on studio lighting or the photography business. You can also search for them on You Tube to see even more.